
Okavango Delta

The Okavango Delta is the world’s largest inland delta where you will find picturesque palm islands, flood plains, waterways, lagoons, pools, pans, grasslands and both riverine and mopane forests.
Delta camps can offer the best of both worlds.

Incredible game drives exploring this unique haven, home to some of the world’s most endangered species of large mammals, such as the African wild dog, cheetah, white rhinoceros, black rhinoceros, lion and leopard. It is equally fantastic for bird watching with over 400 species of birds, many migratory and some endangered.
But no trip to the Okavango would be complete without a motorboat or mokoro safari on one of the Delta’s iconic water channels and provide a chance to experience the incredible bird, plant and reptile species found in the aquatic habitat of the Okavango Delta.

There is also the chance to try your hand at catch and release fishing where you might be lucky enough to catch a tilapia (bream) or tiger fish.

Moremi Game Reserve:

Moremi Game Reserve is situated in the central and eastern areas of the Okavango Delta.

Contained within an area of approximately 3900 sq kms, here land and Delta meet to create an exceedingly picturesque preserve of floodplains – either seasonally or perennially wet, waterways, lagoons, pools, pans, grasslands and riparian, riverine and mopane forests.

This makes for spectacular game viewing and bird watching, including all major naturally occurring herbivore and carnivore species in the region, and over 400 species of birds, many migratory and some endangered. Up until 2001, rhino had been exterminated from here by poaching. Then in October 2001 the first white rhino were reintroduced into the Mombo Reserve, within Moremi Game Reserve. They’re now free to roam, and have done so widely.

See below for activities:


The Khwai concession is 180000-hectares of one of the most scenic and predator-rich areas in the Okavango Delta. Hidden along the northern banks of the Khwai River, between Moremi and Chobe National Park, Khwai has a range of landscapes and ecosystems to discover.

Dense marshy landscapes offer excellent opportunities to find enormous herds of elephants, hippos, crocodiles, waterbuck, and red lechwe along the Khwai river. Away from the water, grassy plains and dry woodland open up access to the area’s impressive general wildlife viewing with herds of 100-strong buffalo and predators such as leopard, lion, cheetah and wild dog, concealed from unsuspecting antelope in the grassy bushes.

This patchwork of floodplains, woodlands, lagoons and rivers, including the magnificent Khwai River make it one of the best game-viewing areas in all of Botswana and sure not to be missed.

Savute and Chobe National Park

The Chobe National Park is located in the Northern part of Botswana and lies along the Chobe River, which borders Botswana and Namibia. The Park is the second largest in Botswana and is known for its superb game viewing all year round, as it has one of the largest populations of game on the African continent.

Chobe National Park is home to the largest concentration of Elephants in Africa – currently estimated to exceed 120,000. The elephants of Chobe are actually migratory, making seasonal movements of up to 200 kilometres in a circuit from the Chobe and Linyanti rivers, where they concentrate in the dry season, to the pans in the south-eastern region of the park, where they gather during the rainy season. 

You will also find huge herds of Buffalo, and Zebra with high densities of predators such as Lion, Leopard, Spotted Hyena and Cheetah. The park also hosts more unusual antelope species such as Roan and Sable, Puku, Tsessebe, Eland, Red Lechwe, Waterbuck, and the rare Chobe Bushbuck alongside the familiar Giraffe, Kudu, Warthog, Wildebeest and Impala

Chobe Riverfront Area

The Chobe Riverfront (or Serondela area) forms the northern boundary of the Chobe National Park. Habitats found in the Park range from floodplains, mopane woodland, baobab trees and acacia woodlands, to verdant flood grasslands and thickets bordering the Chobe River,  

During the dry season large herds of elephants, buffalo and general wildlife congregate on the fertile floodplains of the Chobe River to drink, bathe and play. There are also frequent sightings of lion, African wild dog, puku, red lechwe, sable, giraffe and roan antelope.


In contrast to the Okavango Delta, Savute offers a desert-like landscape with large open savannas, dotted with beautiful rocky outcrop, ancient Baobab trees and bushman rock paintings.

The infamous Savute Channel stretches from the Linyanti River, through the rocky hills to seep into the vast floodplain of the Savute Marsh in the Mababe depression. The winding waterways of the Savute Channel have pumped life into the western section of Chobe National Park for many thousands of generations. However, this fickle and unpredictable channel, which has a fascinating history of flooding and drying up, independently of good rainy seasons and flood levels elsewhere, has mystified local inhabitants, geologists and others for many years.

This stunning landscape boasts large concentrations of game: bull elephants, zebra, buffalo and predators including: lion, leopard and cheetah and spotted hyena – which are relatively common. In the dry season, a series of permanent solar pumped water holes attract large numbers of animals, quenching their thirst under the scorching Savute sun.
Savute also offers excellent birding, in particular, birds of prey, large flocks of carmine bee-eaters riding on the back of Kori Bustards, large secretary birds, and many migrant birds in the summer.

Makgadikgadi and Nxai Pan

Located in central Botswana, the Makgadikgadi Pans cover around ​​16,000, making it the largest salt depression on the planet. Once a prehistoric lake in the Kalahari sand basin, tectonic movements deviated the course of its main tributaries and the lake dried up.

The series of pans, Sowa, Ntwetwe and Nxai are surrounded by a myriad of smaller pans and interspersed between are; sand dunes, rocky islands, massive baobab trees, peninsulas and desert terrain.
The salt pan ecosystem looks at first to be void of life, but looking closer you will discover great numbers of zebra, wildebeest, gemsbok (oryx) and springbok, as well as good populations of giraffes and elephants with predators including lion, cheetah and the elusive brown hyena.

The best time to visit the Makgadikgadi Pans depends on your preference in activities.
Quad biking and salt pan sleepouts take place in the dry season (May/June – October/November) whereas in the wet season (December – April), you will find zebras and wildebeest in their thousands who travel from as far as Savute, to feed on the nutritious spiky grass of the Kalahari, in one of the biggest annual migrations on the continent.

Nxai Pan National Park

The Nxai Pans National Park lies just north of the Makgadikgadi Pans National Park and the geology of the two goes hand in hand.

Situated on the migration route of large animal herds moving between the Okavango Delta, the Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe and the grasslands in and around the Makgadikgadi Pans National Park. Lions, giraffes, kudus, jackals, springboks, impalas and bat eared foxes can normally be spotted in the park. On rare occasions, the elusive brown hyena can be spotted at this park. During the rainy season from December to April oryx antelopes, elephants and thousands of zebras enter the park. Ostriches and numerous bird species add to the game viewing experience.

Beyond the pans and the special wildlife sightings, another famous attraction here are the Baines Baobabs consisting of a group of seven large baobabs on the edge of the Kudiakam Pan, aged about 1000 years old and over 20 metres high.

See below for activities:

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